How to use BOOTSTRAP?
Using the bootstrap:
1. Copy & paste way:
a) Close OTOCASH wallet. (if it is running)
b) Place the file into the OTOCASH data directory. The default location of the data directory is as follow:
%AppData%\Roaming\OTOCASH\ for windows
~/Library/App Support/OTOCASH/ for mac
~/.blackcoin/ for Linux
c) Open Blackcoin wallet.
d) Wait for OTOCASH wallet to open while it rescans the bootstrap and unpacks it. (may take a long time depends on your computer)
2. Command-line way:
a) Start the client with the
Windows: OTOCASH-qt.exe -loadblock=C:\..\bootstrap.dat
Linux: ./OTOCASH-qt -loadblock=/home/../bootstrap.dat
b) In the bottom left of the wallet, it will say “Importing blocks…”